Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nature Connections-June

This has been a month of unusual weather.  We have had humid, scorching days, pleasant cool days, crazy rains, and also hail.  The variety has kept it interesting.  Any day is a great day to get outside and play, observe and wonder at the beauty all around us.
After the rains, we found some huge mushrooms.

She was so fascinated by these.  I saw her playing with them in all sorts of ways...umbrella, ear muffs, seat cushion, lollipop, and who knows what else her imagination came up with.

Watched a sunset together....

We read somewhere that every time you see a colorful sunset it will be a clear sunny day the following morning.  We have closely observed this for months and so far it has held true.

Found a Cecropia Moth by the barn...

Picked Blackberries...

Found a Passion Flower... (the TN. state wildflower)

A busy Bee...

A Katydid....

and watched the garden grow...

Some of our favorite nature connections this month were birds and more birds.
Check out more nature connections at Sherry's blog here.


  1. Beautiful pics--those are some seriously huge 'shrooms. :)

  2. I've found these before! they are poisonous but won't do any harm to play with, unless eaten. I'm so glad she can enjoy them instead of being sheltered from nature with a "don't touch it it could hurt you" as if it's radioactive or something, geez.
