A few weeks ago, we visited Kentucky Down Under. It's a small Austrailian themed zoo that allows you to get up close with most all of the animals. I think the favorite part of the day was playing with the birds.
We were able to walk with several Kangaroos, Wallabies, and an Emu. Watched a kangaroo with a baby in it's pouch and discovered the pouches are vertical not horizontal and the baby stays in the pouch up to 6 months before it ever comes out.
The cave was awesome and a great way to cool off on this HOT day.
This Peafowl was hanging out in the tree until we got to close. These birds are so beautiful!
The Border Collie made sheep herding look so easy, the kids thought they would give it a try. It was a little harder than they thought.
Audrey and her cousin, Walker.
The kids learned about the different breeds of sheep and the variety of uses for their wool and horns.
A Frogmouth....he looks a little grouchy but I would be to if I were locked in a cage...and he's not a morning person either. They are nocturnal and closely related to the Nightjars(Poorwills).
Back to the birds...
Okay, I had fun with the birds, too!
Land of Lories
A special day for us.....
What a great day! I hate we didn't go with y'all, but we've got to go soon! :)