Saturday, May 7, 2011

Rainy Day Walk

It was a very cloudy day but we decided to get out an explore the new growth of spring.
  The rain made the woods seem more fun and mysterious.

A bed of May-Apples we have been watching emerge from early spring.  Their white flowers have fallen and the little fruit is beginning to grow.

Audrey was so excited to find her vine swing and see all the new growth around it.

They found a lot of these millipedes in the woods and drew them in their nature journals.

We learned that Millipedes have 2 pairs of legs(4) per segment and Centipedes
                                                                          have only one pair.(2)

We found these beautiful flowers all over the ground from the Yellow Poplar Tree

Yellow Poplar Tree

Washing an old glass bottle she found under the dirt in the bank of the creek.

This beautiful frog was very camouflaged but his bright golden eyes caught our attention.

The children observed how quickly everything had changed from 2 weeks ago when we were on this side of the farm.  They said it felt like an exotic jungle and were so happy to explore today.

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