We met up with some fellow home school families and enjoyed a beautiful, educational day, at Cedar Ridge Farm.

Mr. Todd leads the way...

Looking for salamanders....

Doing what boys love to do.....

an exciting bone collection...
There is a common misconception that children who are home-schooled, are some how "isolated" and "unsocialized." Moments like today, remind me of how fortunate we are to watch our children grow, learn, and discover. What I see, is FREEDOM! The many wonderful experiences, making new friends, and simply, being able to enjoy childhood.

A Honey Locust pod we found in the creek.

Hanging out...

I didn't take a lot of pictures because I was having so much fun learning about everything around us. We really enjoyed having someone to walk along with us, answer questions, and tell us the names of all the different things we found. It was such a beautiful day and we are thankful!
I love it! The pictures are GREAT, and the statement about freedom is so true! I'm actually starting to learn to be a little more relaxed and free, which means I enjoy learning and teaching even more now, too. We'll have to take a trip up there sometime when Gary's home - we'd have a blast. Not to mention Gary would be incredibly fascinated with the truck.... LOL!