Monday, February 7, 2011

Painting and Poke Berries

                 There was something special about this particular day. I think it was simply because we were spending it outside, working on a project together, as a family.
We needed to paint the gas tank.  That wasn't enough painting so (A) asked for watercolors. 
 Then, I suggested (H) go and pick Poke Berries. When I looked over the hill, he was bringing back the whole bush!  He was proud that he had worked so hard, to dig it up.

He added berries to his paper, folded it in half, then smashed them with a block of wood.  She mashed hers up in a bucket with water .  Then, put paper in her bucket and squeezed it out. She did a lot of finger painting too, and was purple from elbows to pinkies.  Their motto: "The messier it is, the more fun!"  *Poke berries are poisonous to all mammals, but not birds.  Do not eat!

She thought it looked like a butterfly and added
                                                                     the body and antennae, with watercolor.

Sometimes, the simplest things, bring the most joy!


  1. He brought back the whole bush! Hahahaha!

    I am really enjoying your blog, Shannon. :)

  2. Looking at your blog reminds me of just how blessed I am to have you and the kids to share my life with. I love you!
